Sunday, October 29, 2006

The way we live

Macedonia is very small country and life in Macedonia is very complicate.
In Macedonia to rule poverty because in Macedonia have 400000 Unemployments(nevraboteni).
Three good things for Macedonia are :
1.The people are very good
2.The people are encourage
3.Have beautfful places
Three bad things for Macedonia are :
2.Crime,coruption and bribe.
3.Damage of nature and people (premnogu ja zagaduvaat).
The capital city is Skopje.
The most beautiful city is Ohrid who is protective by UNESCO.
Macedonia have very monastires,churchs,historical places and historic cities.
In Macedonia find one of the most beautiful lake in Balkans(Ohridsko ezero).
Macedonia have traditional food as ajvar,bean,pepers and traditional (tikvesko) wine.
In Macedonia live people from different religions and nationality.
Macedonia have vilage who is very famous for world as Galicnik and Mavrovo.
Galicnik is famous for chees and Galicka wedding.
Mavrovo is famous for winter center and natural park.
Macedonia also have very rich history and very traditions.
Macedonia is famous for our Aleksandar Makedonski.
My city is one of the most beautiful city in country.
My city is Gostivar.
Gostivar have very historical monuments.
Very interesant is quay on river Vardar.
In nights teenagers walk over quay on the river Vardar.
Gostivar is old city and I like it.
For Gostivar is typically that though the people are very nice for people from other counries.
That's all for way we live.

How the teenages live in Macedonia

The teenage live in Macedonia for me is very good.
Teenegares in macedonia have nice night clubs.
At the weekends teenagares play football and at night they go in the disco.
From Monday to Friday they go in school.
In free time they go play football,basketball,handbal,table tenis and another sports.
They go in sports matches in their stadium and sports hall.
OOOOOOOOOOOOH teenage life isn't easy and he is very complicate.
That is all for teenage life


I go to play football.
Unfortunately/ the ball flaw(pukna)
Fortunately/ we have paste and gum and paste up
Unfortunately/the paste is for paper
Fortunately/ find other for gum
Unfortunately/ it began to rain
Fortunately/ after 15 minutes (prestana) to rain.
And so we are play football 3 hours.

My room

My room is small but I like it.
My room have PC, TV, Music System, Posters on the wall and very things who I like it.
I go out 3-4 hours on day and another time i stay in my room.
In my room I listen music and play computer games.


I'm Darko Miovski.
I live in Gostivar in Macedonia.
Macedonia is small but very beautiful country.The capital city in Macedonia is Skopje but most beautiful city in Macedonia is Ohrid.
The people in Macedonia is very nice and culture.
Population in Macedonia is 2 million people.
My city is one of the four biggest city in Macedonia.
Macedonia have very monastires,churchs,historical place.
Thats all folks.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Australia is very famous country.Australia have four big citys Melbourne, Sidney, Perth and Kambera.Australia have a diffrend animals.