Thursday, June 07, 2007


Rome is very big city. In Rome live millions peoples.
That number of people is because Rome is capital city also and that Rome is very interest for people. In Rome have a nice historical places for example Coloseum who met millions people in 1 year. Also interest is stadium “Olimpco”. In this stadium play two football clubs: SS Lazio and AS Roma. If you question me where you like live I will tell that I like live in Rome.
Also and Italians are very good peoples and that important for this city. In this city live Italians, Brazilians, Argentineans, Croatians, Serbians and many others nationalities.
That is all for this wonderful and big city.

Hotels in Macedonia

In Macedonia have many hotels, for example Alexander Palace in Skopje, Epinal in Bitola, Biser in Struga, Holiday In also in Skopje and many other hotels.
Alexander Palace for me is best hotel in Macedonia. In this hotel you can meet, presidents of any countries, ministers, football players who stay in that hotel. In this hotel you can do press conference, also in this hotel have a restaurant, disco club sport halls for football, basketball, tennis handball and many others sports. In Alexander Palace also have cable TV and direct dial phone. This hotel is near center of the capital city of Macedonia Skopje.

That is all for best Macedonian hotel ALEXANDER PALACE-skopje

Friday, May 18, 2007


This summer I might go on holiday in Montenegro because I love sea. This summer my uncle from Australia might come in Gostivar. If he come we might go on holiday in Greece because he like to go in Greece.
In future I might be a businessman or I might play football because I like have a business because I study in economic school. I love football, I like to watch but and like to play.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Провери некои од овие статистики. ЧИТАЈ ДО КРАЈ – ПОТОА ПАУЗИРАЈ ЗА ВЕЧЕРТА. Ако може да не собере земјиното население во село од точно 100 луѓе, со сите возбудливи човечки оброци останува исто, би сакало да се погледне нешто што сака да се следи: Таму би биле: 57 Азијци, 21 Европејци, и 14 од Западната хемисфера, двата северни и јужни Африка, 52 би биле жени, а 48 би биле мажи, 70 не би биле белци, а 30 белци, 70 би биле христијани, а 30 христијани, 89 би биле хетеросексуалци, а 11 би биле хомосексуалци, 6 луѓе би сакале да поседуваат 59% од цел светското богатство и сите 6 света би биле од САД. 80 би сакале да живеат во подобра населба, 70 би скале да бидат неспособни за читање, 50 би сакале да трпат од неискреност, 1 би сакал да биде блиску до смртта, 1 би сакал да биде еднаш роден, 1 би сакал да има високо образование, 1 би сакал да има компјутер. Кога еден го разгледува светот од таква компресивна преспектива, потребата за примање, разбирање и едукација станува блескаво јасно. Следењето е исто така нешто што може да се размисли...
Ако станете ова утро полни со енергија отколку болни... вие сте многу поблагословени од милион кои не ја преживеале неделата.
Ако немате никакво искуство за опасноста на битката, самотијата на затворањето, агонијата од мачење, или болката од гладувањето... вие сте први од 500 милиони луѓе во светот.
Ако можете да опслужувате во црква без стравување од вознемирување, затворање, мачење, или смрт... вие се поблагословени од три билиони луѓе во светот.
Ако имате храна во ладилникот, облека на вас, покрив на главата и место за спиење... вие сте побогати 75% од овој свет.
Ако имате пари во банка, во вашиот паричник и слободна промена во јадењето... вие сте меѓу првите 8% од светските богатства.
Ако вашите родители се уште се живи и венчани... вие сте многу ретки, дури во САД и Канада.
Ако можете да ја прочитате оваа порака, вие баш резервиравте двоен благослов за некој што разбислувал за вас, и освен тоа, вие сте поблагословени од повеќе од два билиони луѓе во светот кои не знаат да читаат.
Некој еднаш рекол: Што оди околу се враќа околу. Деловен човек како вас не му требаат пари. Вашата љубов никогаш не била повредена. Играјте без никој да ве гледа. Пејте, без никој да ве слуша. Живеејте како на Земјиното небо. Национална пријателска седмица. Прати го ова на секој почитуван ПРИЈАТЕЛ. Предади го ова, и појасни го некој друг ден. Ништо не ќе се случи ако не одлучите да го предадете. Единственото што може да се случи, ако го предадете, е тоа што некој силно се смее за вас.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tokyo literally "Eastern capital" is the de facto capital of Japan,[1] and the most populous city in the country. Tokyo is the seat of the Japanese goverment and the Imperial Palace, the home of the Japnese imperial family. With a population of over 35 million people in the Greater Tokyo area. It has the largest metropolitan gross domestic product in the world for a city, and it has held the title of the world's most expensive city for a decade.
Prior to 1943, Tokyo was the name of both one of the 47 prefectures of japan, Tokyo-fu, and the populous city of Tokyo in the eastern half of the prefecture. In 1943 the city and prefecture were merged into a unique prefecture level government entity, known as Tōkyō-to or "Tokyo Metropolis". This administrative region includes the twenty-three "Special wards" of the former city, many suburban cities in the western half of the prefecture, and two chains of islands extending south into the Pacific ocean. About 12 million people, 10 percent of Japan's population, live within Tokyo Metropolis's prefecture boundaries. Tokyo is also home to many of the tallest buildings on Earth.
Tokyo is considered one of the world's major global city
and a MEGACITY. The word "Tokyo" may refer to Tokyo Metropolis as a whole, or only to the main urban mass under its jurisdiction (thus excluding west Tama and Izu / Ogasawara Islands), or even the whole of Greater Tokyo Area, depending on context. This article refers to Tokyo Metropolis unless otherwise stated.

Vision 2050

Maybe in 2050 live in the world will be better but maybe not.
I think that live will be better because we’ll have high technology.
It’ll be funny because I think that my dreams will be true.
I want to have a big home and big house for my family


I see mountain, fields and lake, snow on the mountain and cloud. I think that this country is Alaska. Most difficult for people who live there is that they can't survive with just nature

3.-No in 1990 he sent his parents a letter containing his final reports.-Because he was hungry and it difficult to find enough to eat. He left his car is some woods and all his mney.-He did it food, good life and freedom.-He became weak and weaker as he was staving to death.4. Didn't let Chris work in the family business. They did nothing


On the pictures there are most beautiful hotels in Macedonia.
They are Epinal in Bitola, Biser in Struga and Aleksandar Palas.

In hotel Epinal lively entertainment and amenities will delight your senses and entice you to stay a little longer. Each of 82 spacious, comfortable guest rooms at the Hotel Epinal is tastefully decorated with pretty, modern furnishing and fully equipped to meet the needs of today's traveler - en-suite bath, air-conditioning, hairdryer, radio, cable TV and direct-dial phone.

Biser hotel is located 5km. from the center of Struga in Calishta area , away from the urban city life in ideal natural surrounding that combined with the monastery lodgings, church St. Bogorodica and church St. Petar as inseparable part of our hotel complex, will give you spiritual harmony, peace and tranquility.The hotel is typical representative of the old Macedonian architecture with tendencies national architectonic marks to maintain even in ourdays despite the pressure of the modern trends in interior design.Hotel Biser 30 years yet warmly welcomes its guests with wide opened gates offering them its hospitality and creating them sense of comfort, relaxation and satisfaction. The hotel is released on 4th of July 1974. On this occasion there was a gala opening with attendance of the highest state and church officials.Since then the hotel is offering its services in continuity and tends towards improvement of its quality.In 1988 two new floors are built. Afterwards (in 1994, 1995, 1996, 2003, 2004) renovation are carried out. The efforts of service quality improvement and interior design proceed in ourdays which has led to complete renovation of the restaurant, hotel terrace, discotheque and part of the accommodation facilities.Our hotel complex keeps step with the latest trends of congress tourism due to which continuous investment in modern seminar and congress halls is carried out as well as purchase of up-to-date equipment.

Coca Cola

One of the things who changed the world is Coca-Col .Coca-Cola was invented in May 1886 by Doctor John Perberton.
Coca Cola changed the world because for people in that time people drink only water, orange and tea.
Coca Cola was best to drink in that time. Being a bookkeeper, Frank Robinson also had excellent penmanship. It was he who first scripted coca cola into the flowing letters which has become the famous logo of today.
The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886.
About nine servings of the soft drink were sold each day. Sales for that first year added up to a total of about $50. The funny thing was that it cost John Pemberton over $70 in expanses, so the first year of sales were a loss.
Until 1905, the soft drink, marketed as a tonic, contained extracts of cocaine as well as the caffeine-rich kola nut.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shopping street

Oxford street is one of the best shopping streets in the world.
There are high-class restaurants, cafes, and more interesting palces. Every day there are to many peoples who visit this shopping street. Oxford street in London is very expensive street.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The way we live

Macedonia is very small country and life in Macedonia is very complicate.
In Macedonia to rule poverty because in Macedonia have 400000 Unemployments(nevraboteni).
Three good things for Macedonia are :
1.The people are very good
2.The people are encourage
3.Have beautfful places
Three bad things for Macedonia are :
2.Crime,coruption and bribe.
3.Damage of nature and people (premnogu ja zagaduvaat).
The capital city is Skopje.
The most beautiful city is Ohrid who is protective by UNESCO.
Macedonia have very monastires,churchs,historical places and historic cities.
In Macedonia find one of the most beautiful lake in Balkans(Ohridsko ezero).
Macedonia have traditional food as ajvar,bean,pepers and traditional (tikvesko) wine.
In Macedonia live people from different religions and nationality.
Macedonia have vilage who is very famous for world as Galicnik and Mavrovo.
Galicnik is famous for chees and Galicka wedding.
Mavrovo is famous for winter center and natural park.
Macedonia also have very rich history and very traditions.
Macedonia is famous for our Aleksandar Makedonski.
My city is one of the most beautiful city in country.
My city is Gostivar.
Gostivar have very historical monuments.
Very interesant is quay on river Vardar.
In nights teenagers walk over quay on the river Vardar.
Gostivar is old city and I like it.
For Gostivar is typically that though the people are very nice for people from other counries.
That's all for way we live.

How the teenages live in Macedonia

The teenage live in Macedonia for me is very good.
Teenegares in macedonia have nice night clubs.
At the weekends teenagares play football and at night they go in the disco.
From Monday to Friday they go in school.
In free time they go play football,basketball,handbal,table tenis and another sports.
They go in sports matches in their stadium and sports hall.
OOOOOOOOOOOOH teenage life isn't easy and he is very complicate.
That is all for teenage life


I go to play football.
Unfortunately/ the ball flaw(pukna)
Fortunately/ we have paste and gum and paste up
Unfortunately/the paste is for paper
Fortunately/ find other for gum
Unfortunately/ it began to rain
Fortunately/ after 15 minutes (prestana) to rain.
And so we are play football 3 hours.

My room

My room is small but I like it.
My room have PC, TV, Music System, Posters on the wall and very things who I like it.
I go out 3-4 hours on day and another time i stay in my room.
In my room I listen music and play computer games.


I'm Darko Miovski.
I live in Gostivar in Macedonia.
Macedonia is small but very beautiful country.The capital city in Macedonia is Skopje but most beautiful city in Macedonia is Ohrid.
The people in Macedonia is very nice and culture.
Population in Macedonia is 2 million people.
My city is one of the four biggest city in Macedonia.
Macedonia have very monastires,churchs,historical place.
Thats all folks.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Australia is very famous country.Australia have four big citys Melbourne, Sidney, Perth and Kambera.Australia have a diffrend animals.